Volunteer Information

The entrance to the cemetery is on Evergreen Road/Stony Run Parkway. To get there, take the Nine Mile Road east exit off of I-64. Turn right on Evergreen Road. The turn is right across from the Henrico Government Center. Follow Evergreen Road until just after it crosses over I-64. Turn left at the big Historic Cemeteries sign. The work area will be just after the road bends to the right, past the East End Cemetery sign. You can set your GPS for 50 Evergreen Road and you will get to the right area. You will need to park on the side of the road. Be sure to leave room for other vehicles to get by.

We recommend you wear denim jeans and heavy shoes or boots. Volunteers should not wear leggings, shorts or open-toed shoes.  There is broken glass, pieces of rusty metal etc., on the site. We usually work two to three hours, but you are free to come when you can and stay as long as you can. We usually have bottled water available but also bring something to drink. There is a portable toilet available.

Recommended tools to bring: heavy-duty steel rake/bow rake; limb loppers; clippers; good, heavy gloves to handle glass, briars, etc. We also bring many tools and pairs of gloves for those who don’t have the equipment or gloves.

For more information, contact:
John Shuck
jshuck at rocketmail.com
Facebook: jgshuck or EastEndCemeteryProject
Twitter: @findagraver


Google map of directions to the cemetery

5 Responses to Volunteer Information

  1. Tom says:

    I made up a Google map for those directions if you want to embed it. You can find it here.

  2. jgshuck says:

    Thanks. I’ve added a link to it on the page.

  3. Pingback: Help RVA Archaeology clean up East End Cemetery - RVANews

  4. Ana Edwards says:

    Great work you are doing. Will share it so more folks can participate.

  5. May God bless you for the work that you are doing to restore this cemetery. I have ancestors buried there and when I am able I plan to come to Richmond to help for a day. Praying continued success.

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